General Overview: The Sun
This is the year to go out and shine. A lot of joy is coming your way this year, but make sure to put yourself out there to make it happen
Jan - Jun: Every journey starts with one step
Jul-Dec: Love of family and friends. Spirit messages from female spirits
General Overview: 7 of Cups Reversed
There is a lot to think about this year as in time “things” will be coming to you in all directions. Think before proceeding.
Jan-Jun: “The letter V”: will be of significance for you. Valentine’s day, victory etc or any one with the letter V in their name either 1st or last
Jul-Dec: “Bunny”; This is when things get really busy and you need to slow down and make thoughtful decisions.
General Overview: 8 of Swords Reversed
Now that you have heard everything that you need to know, what is stopping you from moving forward???
Jan-Jun: The Letter “L”: will be of significance to you the 1st half of the year. For example, love, loyalty or anyone with either the 1st or last name that begins with that letter.
Jul-Dec: “The Dog”; The second half of the year is all about loyalty and there could be a new addition to the family.
General Overview: 7 of Wands Reversed
Now that you have worked on everyone and everything else, it’s time to take care of your dreams and desires.
Jan-Jun: “Eiffel Tower”: You have taken the step necessary to view your new horizon. Make sure you don’t dream small. Trips are also favored during this time.
Jul-Dec: “The Wheel”: You have completed a major cycle in this time and it is time to move on. Remember your dreams in the 1st 6 months. It’s time to put them into action.
General Overview: Knight of Pentacles Reversed
This is a year for you to keep a lot of “things” to yourself as you might have some “haters” around you. But you really do deserve all you worked so hard to achieve. Don’t let people damper your status.
Jan - Jun: “Young & Strong”: It’s time for you to be strong as I indicated there might be jealous people around. But with the Leo Lion spirit you got this.
Jul - Dec: “Snail”: Now you can finally come out of your shell and take on new projects. Just don’t rush the process to get to the end result.
General Overview: 2 of Pentacles Reversed
It’s time to get your life a little more settled this year as you may have been juggling too many things in the past and took three steps forward and two back
Jan-Jun: “Tinkerbell”: You can have it all if you just put one foot in front of the other. Take it slow and steady the first six months.
Jun-Dec: “The Star”: This is where you really start to shine. It’s all about you. This is definitely a “glow up, blow up” time. Congrats!
General Overview: Strength
This is going to be a year you won’t forget as people are going to be surprised at your energy and determination. There is lots to be proud of.
Jan-Jun: “Faith”: The faith that you had in yourself proved you well as there is major movement in the first six months with your desires finally manifesting.
Jul-Dec: “Fearless”: The intensity of the first six months just keeps getting better and more determined. Make sure to push yourself out of your comfort zone for best results.
General Overview: Page of Pentacles
You’ll have lots of opportunities this year. Please put your pride aside to learn new skills or be willing to help people that might need extra time. Patience will be a virtue.
Jan-Jun: “kind, free, true, brave, strong, happy, thankful and at peace”: The first six months are time to make sure you’re using the words above to help you with some impatient times. You got this!
Jul-Dec: “2 Hearts”; There is a lot of love coming your way. For singles, you could meet someone during this time and couples will feel the love between each other. This is also a time of a lot of celebration.
General Overview: Knight of Swords
This is going to be a very busy and fast moving year for you. With all this “fire” you will be in your element. It’s been a long time since you have felt this good.
Jan-Jun: “A present”: You have a lot of “gifts” coming to you from out of the blue. There will be happy surprises and could be the beginning of a lot of long term possibilities.
Jul-Dec: “The moon”: It’s time for you to relax as in the first six months everything falls into place. Now it’s time for you to enjoy these blessings.
General Overview: 4 of Wands
Everything is coming together for you on more solid ground. No more indecisions. It’s time for you to take the first step.
Jan-Jun: “Handyman”; The first six months will be very busy within the home. Some may be purchasing real estate or doing renovations on existing property. Some singles could be moving in with the “love”. It's a busy home environment.
Jul-Dec: “Cross”; There could be a new addition to the family. Pay attention to May 4th, 14th and 24th as there could be some good news coming in. Also don’t stall too long with indecision.
General Overview: Hanged Man Reversed
With all these good ideas, what are you waiting for? By February you should set a plan in motion.
Jan-Jun: “Infinity Symbol”, #8; Now that you have made a decision (after February) things will start coming together. Don’t overthink it. People are willing to help if you need. Don’t be afraid to ask. Not only will you feel better, you will make them feel wanted as well. It’s a win-win situation.
Jul-Dec: “The letter E”: In the last six months the letter E will be of significance. A person could be coming into your life with this letter either first or last name. Also look out for the words even, exact, enjoy, equate.
General Overview: 10 of Wands Reversed
This is a year where you are going to be able to move ahead without restrictions. Once you start on your new journey, DO NOT look back.
Jan-Jun: “Bee”: It’s time for you to get busy as a bee and make some “waves”. You are also building something new that will nurture you for quite some time. It’s time for you to make some “honey”.
Jul-Dec: “Horse”: Movement, movement, movement. A fire sign might be instrumental to these new adventures. This whole year will be one you will not forget. Enjoy! It’s been a long time coming. Congrats!
