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August 2023 Sun Sign Tarot Forecast

Writer's picture: CarolCarol

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

August 2023 Tarot Forecast

Aries: 3 or Swords Reversed; Temperance Reversed

An emotional month awaits if you let your imagination run wild. It’s time to reprogram your thoughts to more positive outcomes

Taurus: 2 of Cups Reversed; Devil Reversed

All is not lost in a relationship. Honest communication can enlighten both of you to solve this issue. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill

Gemini: 9 of Cups; 4 of Wands Reversed

Open up your heart and you will find love is all around you this month. The question here is are you ready and willing to receive?

Cancer: 4 of Cups Reversed; Knight of Swords Reversed

This is a month to read between the lines on all communication. Dig deeper for the truth. Stand your ground with your self-worth and determination.

Leo: 3 of Pentacles; 4 of Wands Reversed

Not everyone is going to be on the same page as you this month. If you need to go it alone, you will realize who your friends really are!

Virgo: Justice; 2 of Swords Reversed

Not everything is as it is. A lot of hidden “things” have yet to be revealed this month. It’s time to take your blindfolds off and get to the bottom of something once and for all. Then things will balance out.

Libra: 2 of Pentacles; 5 of Pentacles

It’s a tough month financially, due to an emotional situation. It might be time for you to cut your losses and move on for a more self nurturing life.

Scorpio: 4 of Cups Reversed; King of Swords Reversed

There is no need to back down this month. Show people your strengths. It’s time for you to protect yourself and what you have worked so hard to achieve.

Sagittarius: 8 of Wands Reversed; Knight of Swords Reversed

Don’t put the brakes on this month. Things are happening quickly for you in all areas of your life. Don’t be afraid of this exciting change.

Capricorn: 10 of Cups; Chariot Reversed

Enjoy this month as your wishes are being granted. Don’t push for the future. Enjoy the moment. It’s a good month for time away (maybe a vacation) or time with loved ones.

Aquarius: Ace of Cups; 2 of Pentacles

What is being offered to you is sincere and genuine. Why are you so afraid to take it? Do not procrastinate this month. A lot of past emotional issues are coming to the surface regarding this decision. You got this!

Pisces: The Moon; 9 of Pentacles

Now that you have all the information you need, it is time to move ahead with your plans as it will bring you much abundance, in all areas of your life.

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