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July 2023 Sun Sign Tarot Forecast

Writer's picture: CarolCarol

Aries: King of Wands Reversed; Justice Reversed

Something is blocking you from seeing or getting your end result. Could this be that your mind is not balanced and sending the universe mixed messages? Get balanced and the universe will finally know what it is you envision.

Taurus: Queen of Pentacles; Knight of Wands

Take your time with major decisions this month as everything is not what it seems. Go out in nature for some solitude to find the answers. Don’t let anyone pressure you, especially “pushy” individuals.

Gemini: The Fool; Ace of Wands

This is your month to GO for it! The universe cannot make it any clearer. Major moves, career changes and great relationships are for your taking. Make the most of this month. You will be glad you did!

Cancer: 8 of Pentacles Reversed; 10 of Swords Reversed

All work and no play make for a “dull” situation. This month is about balance. If a recent conversation has you feeling down, there is no need to try to make amends at this time. Give it air and time. It will come back around.

Leo: 2 of Cups; 5 of Swords

If in a new relationship, things will be moving forward with reciprocated love. But with regards to family, remember you cannot make everyone happy. Choose your words wisely with family and siblings.

Virgo: Page of Swords; 4 of Pentacles

In matters of the heart, someone this month might not be on the same page as you. Don't hold onto the “hurt”. Get to the resolve of the issue and let things go if you want it turn out faster and better. On a different note, it’s a good month to start a side “gig”.

Libra: 5 of Pentacles Reversed; 9 of Wands Reversed

This is going to be a month where you must stand your ground. You have worked too hard on a situation to just give in to someone else’s demands. You are too close to your finish line to let someone else be the victor!

Scorpio: 7 of Cups; Hanged Man Reversed

Look out for lots of surprises this month. If you like these “gifts”, make sure you tell the person presenting them how grateful you are. It is not a time to hold back on feelings and it’s a good month to let your heart chakra shine.

Sagittarius: 4 of Pentacles; Queen of Pentacles

This is a month of planning. You are holding a lot of things to yourself and not sharing what your long term plan is until the ink is dry. Once you release these plans (in a couple of months), people are going to be surprised because it’s a “new” side of you.

Capricorn: Page of Cups; Tower Reversed

All is NOT lost in a relationship. Something that might throw you off at first could be a blessing in disguise this month. Your cup will soon be filled again. It’s a good month to heal and nurture yourself.

Aquarius: 4 of Wands Reversed; The Fool

Not everyone will agree with your plans this month. Don’t expect help on your new idea but you will be laughing at the end of the month at your “naysayers” as this leap of faith will pay off for you handsomely.

Pisces: Temperance; Emperor

There will be a “stubborn” situation or issue with someone this month that could cause you to get upset. Show the person just how strong you are and don’t waiver on your decision to take a time out to get a much needed emotional rest. You got this!

Psychic Tarot Forecast for July 2023

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