Gain valuable insight from Carol, our staff psychic, who incorporates both Tarot & Astrology in her predictions to empower you! See what to expect this April 2021. For an in depth individual reading, please call 504.581.1348 to book an appointment with Miss Carol today.
Aries =
Strength; 6 of Wands
Don’t back down! You are almost at the finish line. The people talking about your progress are jealous. You have a lot to be proud of...especially yourself.
Taurus =
Queen of Wands Reversed; Knight of Cups Reversed
Someone or something is trying to get your attention. You might want to give this a once over. If it suits you take it, if not move on.
Gemini =
Ace of Swords; 3 of Cups
It’s a great month for contractual agreements either in business or romance, but don’t go overboard spending the extra as you will need it for unforeseen expenses.
Cancer =
King of Swords Reversed; Ace of Wands
Why are you so afraid of what is being presented to you? This opportunity is just what you need for a fresh start and beginning of growth.
Leo =
7 of Cups Reversed; Tower Reversed
Now that you have seen the light in a situation it is time to rebuild. Do you want to go solo or take the same people with you? The decision is up to you and no one else.
Virgo =
10 of Wands Reversed; Moon Reversed
Now that you know some of the facts of the situation it’s time to lay that burden down and walk away. There is still more to the story that is yet to come. Don’t stay for more heartache.
Libra =
8 of Wands Reversed; 9 of Wands
All the work you have done on this issue/situation is NOT bringing you any sense of accomplishment. Time to lick your wound and learn to heal yourself
Scorpio =
Knight of Cups Reversed; Page of Cups Reversed
If involved in a romantic situation, you are both being stubborn about a situation that could be resolved rather quickly if you will compromise.
Sagittarius =
Ace of Pentacles Reversed; 2 of Cups Reversed
Don’t put more money into a relationship/situation that is not working. If someone/something is not giving their fair share, do it on your own.
Capricorn =
The Sun; 6 of Swords Reversed
Finally, you are getting yourself back to what really makes you happy. No need to look back at the past. Go have a fun deserve it!
Aquarius =
Knight of Wands Reversed; 8 of Pentacles Reversed
You have been patient long enough with this situation/issue and have been working hard to make it work. Time for you to go somewhere where you will be appreciated.
Pisces =
King of Cups Reversed; Emperor Reversed
There is no winning in this situation. Better to take a break and figure out what is best for you and not the other person’s interest
PLEASE READ:A general forecast is no substitute for a personalized reading. For pricing, availability and/or to book a private reading with Carol please call our storefront at 504.581.1348 during regular business hours.
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