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September 2024 Sun Sign Tarot Forecast

Writer's picture: CarolCarol

Aries: 4 of Wands; Page of Wands

Everything will be coming to you with ease this month.  Plans that have been made previously will all be coming together nicely.  Congratulations!

Taurus: 3 of Swords; 9 of Wands Reversed

All is not lost regarding a difficult conversation.  It’s time to stand up for what you firmly believe in and don’t back down.

Gemini: 5 of Pentacles Reversed; The Hanged Man Reversed

This month it’s time for you to take a “time out” and get re-balanced. Don’t let other people’s “issues” drain your energy.  It might be time for you to set some boundaries.

Cancer: King of Swords; The Emperor

You got the “power” this month!  Make sure to use it wisely and to your advantage.  You are definitely in your element!

Leo: Ace of Wands Reversed; 6 of Swords Reversed

Haste makes waste this month.  Take some time out to plan accordingly or you will have regrets later on.  Perfect planning makes for perfect performance.

Virgo: Judgment; King of Pentacles Reversed

This month it is all about your career and finances.  It might be a good time to think about your ultimate desire and goals as there could be a lot of activity in your job environment.

Libra: The Moon Reversed; Death

Transformation and major changes are happening as you now have all the answers you need to proceed with a clear path.  It’s an awesome month for you!

Scorpio: 10 of Pentacles; 6 of Cups Reversed

Keep your cards close to your chest this month as someone might have ulterior motives.  Also the letters S and T are important this month.

Sagittarius: Ace of Pentacles; The Lovers

Money and love will surround you this month.  Accept all invitations and be open to all the blessings coming to you.  You will be at the right place at the right time. Your heart will soar this month!

Capricorn: King of Swords Reversed; 2 of Wands Reversed

Get out of your own way this month.  Listen to your truth so you can move on without anyone’s acceptance.

Aquarius: 6 of Pentacles; 8 of Pentacles

It’s a good month to work on projects that will bring financial abundance to you.  It’s best to do it alone as you will be proud of yourself.

Pisces: The Sun Reversed; The Emperor

There could be a situation this month regarding a power struggle or control issue.  Please stand your ground and protect yourself from negativity.

Tarot cards with sage and amethyst

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