Aries: King of Wands Reversed; Queen of Pentacles Reversed
It’s time to give something another chance. In a romantic situation someone is afraid to to take the first step.
Taurus: 8 of Cups Reversed; 9 of Pentacles Reversed
Stop wasting your energy & money on a situation that no longer serves you. You have too much to look forward to this year!
Gemini: Sun Reversed; King of Swords
I know it might be hard for you to listen to someone’s advice, but take it. It will be worth its weight in gold.
Cancer: 6 of Pentacles Reversed; Temperance
If you want the end result to be what you envisioned, you need to put both feet in. No more half efforts!
Leo: Ace of Cups Reversed; 8 of Wands Reversed
Stop trying to slow things down. The universe wants you to have this. Why the hesitation? You got this!
Virgo: Queen of Pentacles; King of Wands
You are on fire this month in all matters! In a romantic situation, someone wants you to move forward with your plans. Career equals money!
Libra: Page of Swords; 9 of Swords
It’s time to walk away from someone or something that doesn’t understand your situation or else this will continue. There is no need to feel hurt any longer.
Scorpio: 7 of Pentacles: Queen of Wands Reversed
The early bird catches the worm. Stop procrastinating! The longer you take to make a decision, the less choices you will have.
Sagittarius: The Sun: The Moon Reversed
The truth will finally set you free. The communication you have been waiting for finally arrives making you feel like yourself again!
Capricorn: Knight of Wands Reversed; Hermit Reversed
You cannot hide from yourself or the truth. Face your fears for the victory that awaits.
Aquarius: Knight of Pentacles; 2 of Swords
Do not settle this month in any situation. You are better than that. There is no need to prove yourself. Your beauty and knowledge will shine through!
Pisces: The Heirophant; High Priestess Reversed
Make this decision with both your head & heart. Also use your intuition as it will serve you well this month!